Sunday, April 15, 2007

"The Right Stuff"-- How the Future began

The US and USSR competed a lot like who would send the first man to space, who could fly the fastest airplane. Whenever the US accomplished something they weren't allowed to tell the media. But as the US was trying to hide there accomplishments Russia has already send the first man into space. US was so frustrated about it that they wanted to make a space shuttle and send a man to space to. All the space shuttles they did would either go up a little bit and come back right down. As the competion kept going the USSR was ahead and US was behind. US trained around 7 men and a monkey to see if they had what it took to go to space. Even though US were not the first to send someone to space they were the first to send a monkey. US were also the first to go around the world with the space shuttle.

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