Friday, April 27, 2007

African Independence

Over the years africa has changed because there were less colonies. In the year 1955 there was about 34 Colonies and then 20 yrs later there was only 3 colonies. There are so many more Independent countries in 1975 then there was in 1955.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

9th Grade Review - Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution is a term used for the first Agricultural revolution. It was describing the change from hunting and gathering to agriculture. They were divided into groups of men and women, the women did the gathering of fruits , berries, and other use of food. The men did the hunting game animal. During this period of time, the spears, axes made from bone, wood, and stone. Humans lived like this until about 10,000 BCE, then they started to grow crops and domesticate animals. People changed from hunting and gathering to social classes, permanent settlements, and later on to the rise of civilizations. As agriculture kept growing Neolithic villages had continued to divide the work but the men still took the led in most areas of these settlements. A persons social class was known by the work they did farmers,craftsman, priest, and warrior. Like in most Social classes Priest and Warrior were the top of the Social classes and farmers and craftsman. Another thing that was developed during this period of time was technology for example the created a simple calendar, metal tools, and also metal weapons to protect the valuable resources.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The European Union

The European Union is an alliance today of 25 nations because in the period of 1870 and1945 France and Germany fought each other three times. European leaders thought that the only for this countries to stay in peace with each other is by uniting them economically and politically. This Union has caused a Competition between the USA. Before the European Union the Nations with the superpowers were the USSR and the USA but after the collapse in 1991, its only USA and the European Union. Now the 25 European Nations that make up the Union all share the same currency, the Euro.
When the Euro first came out people were disbelieving in it, but after it has been introduced in Jan 1 2002. The Euro has become one of the leading currencies in the world.Now a days the Euro is traded more then the US dollar and the value of the Euro counties to grow. I think that the European Union is a good thing because it has prevented fights between France and Germany. I also think its a good thing because now traveling is much easier.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

"The Right Stuff"-- How the Future began

The US and USSR competed a lot like who would send the first man to space, who could fly the fastest airplane. Whenever the US accomplished something they weren't allowed to tell the media. But as the US was trying to hide there accomplishments Russia has already send the first man into space. US was so frustrated about it that they wanted to make a space shuttle and send a man to space to. All the space shuttles they did would either go up a little bit and come back right down. As the competion kept going the USSR was ahead and US was behind. US trained around 7 men and a monkey to see if they had what it took to go to space. Even though US were not the first to send someone to space they were the first to send a monkey. US were also the first to go around the world with the space shuttle.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came for a nuclear war. The Soviet Commanders were prepared
to use battlefield nuclear weapons if the island was invaded. President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev and the bravery was the reason that the war did no happen. The Soviet Unions Missile were powerful enough to be launched against Europe but the United States missile were powerful of striking the entire Soviet Union. The Crisis for The Untied Stated began on October 15,1952 when a photograph revealed that there was Soviet missiles were under construction in Cuba. The next morning after Kennedy found out about the missiles he made an organization called the EX-COMM. This group is with his twelve most important advisers to handle what was going on.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

The NATO was an organization that included the countries Europe and North America. The reason for this was that the countries involved wanted mutual defense alliance, where the countries fight for each other like if one country gets attacked the
NATO would join in. An also since The western European nation was not very good economically at the end of WWII, this agreement would help them economically under the Marshall Plan. The Warsaw Pact included mostly of the Soviet Union and its satellite countries. The Pact was suppose to be like the North America alliance but the Soviet Union dominant the alliance. The program was undertaken by Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolay Bulganin.