Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

Mikhail Gorbachev was the youngest Soviet Union leader after Stalin, he had become the communist party leader. Mikhail's opponent for the communist part was Victor Grishin. He wanted to convince new ideas for the Soviet Union. By the year 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev had passed on a policy called the Glanost. The Glanost is a meaning that is means openness. He had realized that if he didn't follow this policy the Soviet Union would not Social and Economic reforms. With this policy passed on people were allowed to rights like for example reporters were allowed to talk about Social and government problems, something that was not allowed with the Soviet Union was a totalitarian country. But the policy brought down fall people began to complain about economic situations to the government. So Mikhail made another policy called perestroika. This policy was for economic restructuring.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Collapse of Communism

The Collapse of the Communism was such a negative turning point because the Berlin wall had come crashing down, the cold war that had been going on for a while had ended. Everything was getting more complicated, for example people were not allowed to cross the border Communist East Germany to Democratic West Germany or Democratic West Germany to Communist East Germany. The Soviet Union had also separated into 15 different Republics. The 15 different Republics were Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Lativa, Lithuania, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. And no longer was the Soviet Flag with a red hammer, it had been changed into many different flags. The collapse of the Soviet Union changed the world because when capitalism came to Russia and the countries split up. During this split people started to think more about themselves. No longer farming was a high paying job.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation of Israel

Zionism is a political movement that supports a homeland for the jewish people. During the war of
1948 the jwes believed that, during the war they were by themselves. This time in history was so selfish, and greedy because People would kill each other for the land. And Isral was not only attacked by one force, it was attacker by Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt. The Arab was not proud of the war it was humilated. But this war drove the Palestinians of there land. After the end of the war, by the year 1949 the Palestinians had left there homes and had moved into this area called West Bank.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid was a Racial Segregation policy were non-whites were classified as Bantu(Black), Colored(mixed races), and Indians didn't share full rights of citizenship's with the whites. This system was during the year 1948 to 1994. It has only been around 13 yrs since it has been ceased to exist. The word Apartheid was developed in the late 1930s by the South Africans Bureau, which had called for policy "separate development of races." This system was first approved when the Afrikaner National Party came to power. Nelson Mandela was a hero because unlike other people that just did what the Apartheid told him to do, he was a fighter and a Warrior to free the horrible things that were happening in South Africa

Friday, April 27, 2007

African Independence

Over the years africa has changed because there were less colonies. In the year 1955 there was about 34 Colonies and then 20 yrs later there was only 3 colonies. There are so many more Independent countries in 1975 then there was in 1955.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

9th Grade Review - Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution is a term used for the first Agricultural revolution. It was describing the change from hunting and gathering to agriculture. They were divided into groups of men and women, the women did the gathering of fruits , berries, and other use of food. The men did the hunting game animal. During this period of time, the spears, axes made from bone, wood, and stone. Humans lived like this until about 10,000 BCE, then they started to grow crops and domesticate animals. People changed from hunting and gathering to social classes, permanent settlements, and later on to the rise of civilizations. As agriculture kept growing Neolithic villages had continued to divide the work but the men still took the led in most areas of these settlements. A persons social class was known by the work they did farmers,craftsman, priest, and warrior. Like in most Social classes Priest and Warrior were the top of the Social classes and farmers and craftsman. Another thing that was developed during this period of time was technology for example the created a simple calendar, metal tools, and also metal weapons to protect the valuable resources.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The European Union

The European Union is an alliance today of 25 nations because in the period of 1870 and1945 France and Germany fought each other three times. European leaders thought that the only for this countries to stay in peace with each other is by uniting them economically and politically. This Union has caused a Competition between the USA. Before the European Union the Nations with the superpowers were the USSR and the USA but after the collapse in 1991, its only USA and the European Union. Now the 25 European Nations that make up the Union all share the same currency, the Euro.
When the Euro first came out people were disbelieving in it, but after it has been introduced in Jan 1 2002. The Euro has become one of the leading currencies in the world.Now a days the Euro is traded more then the US dollar and the value of the Euro counties to grow. I think that the European Union is a good thing because it has prevented fights between France and Germany. I also think its a good thing because now traveling is much easier.